Daily Naps and Brain Training Reduce Dementia Risk


Exercising our brains with daily habits like naps and memory workouts, instead of relying on smartphones, can reduce the risk of age-related dementia.

The study emphasizes nurturing our brain's potential for healthy aging. It also offers practical tips for boosting brain power and maintaining real intelligence.

These include building up 'associative' memory – the brain's 'dictionary of meaning' where it attaches new information to what it already knows. Try reading a book aloud, using all of your senses instead of going on autopilot and turning daily encounters into fully-lived experiences.

Other techniques include integrating a day for true rest into the week, reviewing your lifestyle as early as your 20s or 30s, adopting a healthy diet, and eliminating or radically moderating alcohol consumption to reduce the risk of dementia.

Source: "iMind: Artificial and Real Intelligence 1st Edition" by Mohamed I. Elmasry